As a trustworthy OEM bag supplier, we can offer a wide range of bags, including backpacks, school bags, travel bags, souvenir bags, cosmetic bags, PVC bags, cooler bags, etc. We mainly manufacture our bag products for European and American markets. For the ordinary order, we can deliver products just in 35-60 days according to different order quantities. Big or small, your order will be finished on time.
There are some points you might be interested in about our company and sure about our quality.
*** 10 year's manufacturing and exporting experience has gained rich experience, especially strong in making souvenir bags.
*** Disney Audit and BSCI passed;
With full experience in production, order management and export, we offer a wide range of bags with distinctive features to meet changing customer requirement. Our mission is to provide quality bags at competitive prices for everyone!
Rm 403, Building 1, Junlinge, Yijinhuating, No.19 YangQiao Dong Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
+86-591-8375 6693/9973